Mémoire pour servir d'instructions au sieur Marquis de Vevac, allant a Copenhague pour y resider en qualité de Ministre Plénipotentiaire du Roi auprés du Roi de Dannemarck : 1775.


Mémoire pour servir d'instructions au sieur Marquis de Vevac, allant a Copenhague pour y resider en qualité de Ministre Plénipotentiaire du Roi auprés du Roi de Dannemarck : 1775.

Includes information on Danish foreign relations in general, as well as those with France.

[22] p. ; 37 cm.

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In 1782 the Continental Congress directed Benjamin Franklin, the American minister to France, to negotiate a convention concerning the exchange of consuls. The convention was signed by Franklin and the French foreign minister, the comte de Vergennes, on 29 July 1784, but rejected by Congress because it did not adhere to the scheme Congress had established. Congress directed Franklin's successor, Thomas Jefferson, to renegotiate, and on 14 November 1788 he and Vergennes's successor, the comte de ...

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